Editorial Emanations

I. SPECIAL NOTE: As you are well aware I am running way behind on publication dates This disappoints you and it worries me, but it seems almost impossible to catch up. Therefore the next issue #40 will be largely a picture and cartoon issue with a minimum of textual material. This sort of an issue is easier to put together IF I HAVE THE MATERIAL and maybe I can catch up a bit this way. So if you have any recent pics that you would like to have printed please send them in right away. The sooner I have a bunch of them the cuicker I can put the issue to bed and Aug. I is the next official publication date. Please also send in regular material such as stories, histories, etc. so that there will be a good backlog available.

II. THOSE PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS: Remember that in #37 I told you all about the work that is under way at UCLA on psychological tests of TVs. I asked those of you willing to take the battery of tests to send me a 3 x 5 card stating your willingness. My thanks to those of you that did. but far more of you have as yet not done so. May I ask again that you do this. I should say for us, because no-one has ever done a consistant, responsible and significant study of our problem and now that we have someone interested, it requires the cooperation of as many of you as possi- ble, so please do your part.

III. CLIPSHEET AND TV TALES: Clipsheet #21 finally saw the light of day and those who had standing or- ders have received their copies. Others of you who are interested may order it. Those who have ordered TV TALES #5 and beyond please continue to be patient. I have only printed No. 1 thru 4 (all of which are available, 1 and 2 having been reprinted). I will get around to them as soon as the financial exchequer gets enough ahead to be able to pay off the printer.